John 3:16 Illustrated
by Kurt Witzig
Item #EC-001
John 3:16 Illustrated is a clear explanation of one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. It will walk you through the verse in four parts. The first part is about God. The second part reveals what He has done for us. The third deals with our response to what He has done. And finally, the fourth part details the awesome results that occur when you respond to Him. (15 pages)
Planting & Establishing Local Churches by the Book
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-002
Planting & Establishing Local Churches by the Book, by Dennis Rokser, is a biblical approach to church planting. The objective of the booklet is to encourage the planting and establishment of indigenous local churches that glorify Jesus Christ by preaching and responding to the Gospel of God’s grace—with all of its doctrinal and practical ramifications. (36 pages)
Let’s Preach the Gospel
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-003
Let’s Preach the Gospel: Do You Recognize the Importance of Preaching the Gospel to Both the Unsaved and the Saved?, by Dennis Rokser, explains 10 scriptural principles from 1 Corinthians 15 and the ministry of the apostle Paul regarding the need to preach the Gospel and its scriptural emphasis and content. This tool will help you clearly answer the question, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). Helpful for pastors, missionaries, and teachers. (58 pages)
Promises of God for the Child of God
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-004
Promises of God for the Child of God, by Dennis Rokser, provides the believer with some of the many promises of God found in His Word. The knowledge of God’s Word and faith in God’s promises are absolutely essential and delightful companions in every Christian’s life. (39 pages)
Seven Key Questions about Water Baptism
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-005
Seven Key Questions about Water Baptism, by Dennis Rokser, will help clear up one of the most controversial and confusing subjects in Christendom today, i.e. the issue of “water baptism.” Dennis Rokser seeks to answer seven key questions on this subject and, by the grace of God, may the Holy Spirit use this booklet to help clear up this confusion. (36 pages)
Seven Reasons Not to Ask Jesus Into Your Heart
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-006
Seven Reasons Not to Ask Jesus Into Your Heart by Dennis Rokser exposes one of the most often used but incorrect protestant clichés of our day. Nowhere in the Bible is anyone ever instructed to “ask Jesus into your heart” to be saved. Yet this instruction is found on tracts, read in books, and heard in evangelistic messages. (56 pages)
10 Principles to Ponder When Bad Things Happen
by Shawn Laughlin
Item #EC-007
10 Principles to Ponder When the Unexpected Happens: How Are You to Respond?, by Shawn Laughlin, was written to offer hope from a biblical perspective. It is written for those who have trusted Jesus Christ alone as their Savior and consequently have the assurance of eternal life based on the sacrificial work of Christ. Trusting in Jesus Christ alone as one’s only confidence for salvation guarantees a perfect hope (a certain future) in Heaven. Having guaranteed hope for Heaven then forms the basis for having a hope while living on earth. This is true in all of life’s uncertainties, even when life takes an unexpected turn for the worse. (26 pages)
The Need of the Hour
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-008
The Need of the Hour: A Call to the Preaching of the Supremacy and Sufficiency of Jesus Christ, Verse-by-Verse, from a Grace Perspective, by Dennis Rokser, presents a strong case for a return to preaching on the centrality of Jesus Christ with His supremacy and sufficiency, along with the verse-by-verse exposition of the Scriptures from a grace perspective. As a result, God’s Word will have a transforming effect on both individuals and local churches if responded to by faith (Hebrews 4:2). (12 pages)
Bad News / Good News
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-009
Bad News for Good People and Good News for Bad People: “You Must Be Born Again!” (John 3:1-21), by Dennis Rokser, examines the most definitive passage in the Word of God that addresses the popular phrase: “born again.” Rokser will answer several questions surrounding this phrase: What does it mean to be “born again”? | Is it really necessary to be born again? | What is the nature of the new birth? | How can one be born again? | Why aren’t more people born again? (23 pages)
The Tale of Two Thieves
by Shawn Laughlin
Item #EC-010
A Tale of Two Thieves: Which Thief Describes You?, by Shawn Laughlin, describes the account of Luke 23:32-43 and the two thieves who were crucified alongside Jesus Christ in an evangelistic way. As stated in the subtitle, readers will be challenged as to “Which Thief Describes You?” (19 pages)
Never Alone
by Becky Jakubek
Item #EC-011
Never Alone: From Abandoned to Adopted in Christ, by Becky Jakubek, is Becky Jakubek’s encouraging story of the grace of God! Left alongside a road in a shoe box as a new born, Becky gives her testimony of how she went from abandoned to adopted in Christ. (22 pages)
Salvation in Three Time Zones
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-0012
Salvation in Three Time Zones, by Dennis Rokser, examines the three tenses of salvation, or three stages of God’s plan of Salvation in multiple passages of Scripture. Though repeatedly found in Scriptures, little has been written about and many believers lack a clear understanding of God’s salvation plan: past, present, and future. (42 pages)
Faith & Works: A Clarification of James 2:14-26
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-013
Have you ever wondered what James 2 means when it says, “faith without works is dead, being alone”? This booklet clarifies a passage that is confusing for many people, showing from the context and content of James 2 that this passage is written to believers about a walk of faith resulting in good works not proving the reality of initial faith in Christ for eternal life and justification before God. (35 pages)
I’m Saved But Struggling With Sin! Is Victory Available?
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-014
I’m Saved But Struggling With Sin! Is Victory Available? Romans 6-8 Examined, by Dennis Rokser, shows that victory is available when a believer in Christ understands his or her position in Christ and identification with Him and learns to live in yielded dependence upon the Lord in light of this truth as empowered by the Holy Spirit who gives us the victory over our indwelling sin nature. A clear and practical exposition of Romans 6-8. (51 pages)
The Powerful Influence of the Christian Woman
by Donna Radtke
Item #EC-015
The Powerful Influence of the Christian Woman, by Donna Radtke, explains the valuable role that Christian women have in an increasingly unchristian society. Mrs. Radtke was a mother, grandmother, and pastor’s wife. In this booklet she combines Scripture with her life experience to vividly identify the major influences of the world on believing women today and to contrast these with God’s design and plan for Christian women in order for their lives to have real significance, fulfillment, and positive spiritual impact for the Lord. (25 pages)
What Cancer Cannot Do
by Deb Fetter
Item #EC-016
The author is a believer in Jesus Christ and a cancer survivor. She wrote this short booklet to be used as a Gospel tract for the unsaved who have been diagnosed with cancer, as well as a source of encouragement for the believer with cancer. Though cancer is often a fatal disease, a believer in Jesus Christ can have hope knowing their final destination is eternal life in Heaven. (10 pages)
How NOT To Live The Christian Life
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-017
The Free Grace Faux Pas of Justification by Grace but Sanctification by Faith+Works
How does one live the Christian life once he or she has been born again? Or, by utilizing contrast for clarity, how does a believer not live the Christian life by grace? As important as this question is, it is amazing how diverse the answers are that you will hear even in Free Grace circles in our day. (57 pages)
Salvation In Romans 10:9-13
by Tom Stegall
Item #EC-018
Romans 10:9-13 are some of the most well-known and frequently referenced verses from the Bible. They are also some of the most misunderstood and misused verses to teach that something more than faith alone in Christ alone is necessary for eternal salvation. In this booklet, these verses are interpreted in light of their dispensational context relative to the nation of Israel, clarifying what they are saying and what they are not saying and how they harmonize with Paul’s teaching on salvation elsewhere in Romans and with the rest of Scripture. (38 pages)
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-019
This is Eliabeth Roker's testimony through the pen of her son Dennis Rokser. Dennis expresses his appreciation for his mother's faith in Christ and the comfort he and his family experienced, knowing she went home to be with her Savior when she died on August 20, 2007. Dennis explains how his mother had absolute 100% assurance of where she was going upon dying, due to her confidence in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
How Do You Grow Spiritually?
by Dennis Rokser
Item #EC-020
If you have trusted in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you have been born again by God’s grace and have have entered the spiritual family of God. God now wants you to grow in grace and become more and more like His Son, Jesus Christ. In this booklet, Dennis Rokser presents five ingredients for spiritual growth in the believer's life: it requires TIME, TRUTH, TEACHERS, TRIALS, and TRUST. (36 pages)
Trophies of God's Grace
Item #EC-021
(35 pages)
This booklet is a collection of personal testimonies that were first published in the Grace Family Journal. Though these individuals come from a myriad of religious or irreligious backgrounds, there is a common thread that unites each of them. In every case, the Holy Spirit used the Word of God to underscore their need of salvation and the wonderful truth of the Gospel of grace. Upon hearing and grasping the significance of how Jesus Christ died for their sins and rose again, they put their faith in Christ alone to save them from a Hell they deserve to a Heaven they don’t. They then knew with absolute assurance that they had received the forgiveness of all their sins and the gift of eternal life. (35-page comb-bond booklet)
Eternal Security Workbook
by George Zeller
Item #EC-022
Eternal Security biblically establishes the fact that the true believer is safe and secure in Christ forever. This workbook guides you in understanding this crucial doctrine as you interact with the Word of God and answer questions. Available in English and Spanish. (22 pages).
What The New Coronavirus Cannot Do
by Deb Fetter
Item #EC-023
A deadly strain of coronavirus known as COVID-19 invaded the world in 2019, which led to a pandemic during the years of 2020-22. Many people died from this virus and it drastically impacted how we lived our lives for almost three years. However, from a spiritual perspective, there are many things that the virus could not touch or disrupt. Whether it's this virus or other physical trials you may be facing, the principles the author sets forth in this booklet will be a great source of comfort and encouragement for every believer in Christ.
The Good News of Salvation
by Shawn Laughlin
Item #EC-024
Shawn uses a judicial approach in this booklet to explain how a person can be saved from hell and receive eternal life by the grace of God. Supported with several Bible verses and tasteful illustrations, The Good News of Salvation is that a guilty sinner can be reconciled to God through the substitutionary work of His Son Jesus Christ. (20 pages)